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National Education Policy 2020

National Education Policy 2020 - School Education

Content Contributed by

Tanmay Mahapatra , Bhubaneswar

for Cambridge School Reader’s


The last day of Onam

Thiruvonam is the last day of the harvest festival Onam. Cities in Kerala are lit up with lights and fireworks are displayed. People clean their houses, take early bath, wear new cloths and distribute alms to the needy. Onam sadya (feast) is an essential part of Thiruvonam. People indulge in various games and dances during and post Thiruvonam in Kerala


Starting of the tree plantation'







Human selfishness and disrespect towards nature leads to cutting of trees. The relationship that exists between Homo sapiens and trees is of life dependency on each other, not material exchange. Hence, let us pledge to plant trees but pay respect to our actual life givers.


The awareness about rising number of used masks being thrown away in the open and can soon be an alarming issue.

Due to recent COVID-19 pandemic, the use of masks globally has increased. However, the usage of masks is followed by disposal of masks. There are hundreds of advertisements and alerts all over the world about using face masks to protect ourselves but no one talks about protecting the mother nature, the mother who takes care of us selflessly.

One study estimates that in UK alone, if every person used a single face mask a day for a year, it would create an additional 66,000 tonnes of contaminated waste. This seems like Coronavirus waste has become a new type of pollution. Waterlogged masks are already found on our seabed’s and washed up on out beaches.

Hence, let us pledge today, to not only protect ourselves from the pandemic but our mother nature too by disposing the used masks properly, in turn, protecting the ecological balance.


International day of Charity

The International day of charity is celebrated on 5 September every year. The main objective of this day is to raise awareness and provide a common platform for charity related activities all over the world.  The date 5 September was chosen to commemorate the death anniversary of Mother Teresa who devoted her entire life for charity related activities.

This international day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 in response to a proposal by Hungary. The resolution was sponsored by 44 UN member states.


Teachers day

“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart”.                         - Alexander Abraham

Behind every successful person, there is a teacher who held his hand and taught him about the world. Hence, it is important for all of us to respect them and thank them for all their services. For this purpose, we dedicate a whole day for the teachers every year and this day is called Teacher’s day.

Teacher's day is celebrated on 5th September in the memory of former president of India Dr Radhakrishna, who was a scholar and an amazing teacher. This day is celebrated in schools and colleges all over the country. Students thank their teachers and promise them to follow the path laid by the teacher.


International Literacy day

Kofi Anan once said, “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope”.

Here is a reminder to the world about the importance of literacy for individuals, communities, families and societies as a whole. First celebrated on 8 September, 1967 with an aim to highlight the importance of literacy to the world and is now celebrated all around the globe is the International Literacy day.

Let us all put our hands together and walk on this road of progress and allow every individual, every society to realise its full potential using this essential tool called literacy.


Blood Donation

How would you feel when you know that three to four lives have been saved only because you? Isn’t it a blissful moment of proudness and self-respect? Well, you are at the right place.

In India, at least 5 crore units of blood is demanded every year out of which only 2.3 crore units is available. Now, blood cannot be artificially produced, so the only way we can save lives is by increasing the quantity of blood donors in the country. Thus, people need to donate and encourage other to donate blood too. It won’t harm your body but can save lives for sure. Your blood drops and 15 minutes of your time can create an ocean of happiness of an entire family.


Reduce Reuse Recycle

Who hasn’t heard of the famous 3 R’s taught in every school of the country right from kindergarten? But the actual question is, how many of us are making use of what we learnt? If you aren’t then don’t worry, it is never too late for great things in life.


Child Education

Below you are presented with two famous quotes quoted by two famous personalities.

  1. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” quoted by Nelson Mandela

  2.  “Children are world’s most value resource and its hope for the best future” quoted by John F Kennedy.


Now answer the question:

Who can change the world in the coming future? And how can they do it?

Well, you got the syllogism right. Children are the ones who can use education to change the world in the coming future. You were able to solve the syllogism but it’s possible that a child deprived of education might not be able to do it.


Essential kits

This pandemic has made us realise that everything around us is temporary. Be it jobs, happiness, enjoyment and life in itself is so temporary and unpredictable. However, the loss of jobs has also led to hunger and non-affordability of basic amenities as well. For some reason, this hunger and no basic amenities situation is becoming permanent in the life of the pandemic struck families. The Pandemic is being biased now. This needs to stop and it needs to stop now.  Let us all pledge to help these families as much as we can.


Plantation Drive

"To plant trees is to give body and life to one's dreams of a better world."               ~ Russell Page

Trees have been an integral part of the entire biosphere since the genesis of the earth.  Trees have been selflessly helpful to all living organisms living alongside Human beings. Trees provide us with oxygen, improve water, soil and air quality, and many more benefits. However, we human beings haven’t been fair with the efforts of trees around us. According to a 2015 study in the journal ‘Nature’, since humans started cutting down forest, 46% of trees have been felled.

We cannot change the past but we can at least strive for a better future. Let us all come together and plant a tree each and help maintain the ecological balance of mother Nature.


How a packet of 2 Rs saved the lives of Migrant labour.

The COVID 19 pandemic have imposed the worst life condition for people to face, especially daily wage workers like labours, cart drivers, waiters etc. The country faced nationwide lockdown for about 3 months. Jobs were lost and labours just wanted to go back home seeking for some relief amidst the chaos.

However, due to shortage of money, they couldn’t afford to purchase food. Who knew a 2 Rs packet would the life saver at this time? This Rs 2 Parle-G biscuit packet helped these workers travel without worrying about food. It provided them with energy to survive the difficult journey they were on.

Let us distribute these packets to the migrant labours. We will be lucky enough to witness the smile that shines on their faces. Let us be a part of this altruistic journey to feel the happiness we get when we help the people in need.




Nelson Henderson once said, “The true meaning of life is to plant a tree; under whose shade you do not expect to sit”. He did understand the ecological balance that exists in the world. Trees are not only important but essential for this balance to exist. They give us oxygen, take up carbon dioxide, stabilise the soil and provide materials for tools and shelters.


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